5 Things Cabin Crew Know, That You Should Too

Hello everyone,

Since I have a trip coming up, I thought I would share with you 5 of the tips I have for staying clean and healthy while flying. These are things that I have learned through a lot of flying and from living with my mom, who is former cabin crew. So here we go, my top 5 tips!

1: Keep your shoes on!

I’m not sure why this has to be said, but a lot of people take their shoes off on the plane. I’m not saying this because I think its rude to take your shoes off. No! I’m saying this to keep the nastiness off of you! I see people walk around the plane and go to the bathroom a lot on long-haul flights, but this about that…..its gross! All that bacteria! If you must take your shoes off, put on some thick socks. But, if you get up, cover those tootsies up. So my tip, keep those shoes on!

2: Skip the ice!

I am not sure if this is still true, so if you do know for sure, leave a comment. But, I do know that the water tanks on the planes are hard to clean. They do put tablets in them but I have still heard stories about nasties getting into the water source, and the ice. I go for the bottled water or the OJ, just to be safe.

3: Wipe down the surfaces!

I feel like this one goes without saying, but just in case……wipe down those surfaces! Always make sure to pack some hand sanitizer and some anti-bacterial wipes. I like to just go all out and wipe it all down, the tray table, TV screen, buttons, arm rest, everything! People aren’t afraid to do what they like on a plane, like changing diapers on the tray tables, clipping nails, etc., so just make sure to wipe down the surfaces.

4: Pass on the nuts!

This is a little awkward to say, but do yourself and favour and skip the nuts. they aren’t the best snack in a plane, with all the pressurisation and confined spaces, it might make things a bit unpleasant….you know what I’m talking about here…? (pass on the nuts so you can pass on the gas too! Sorry to be blunt!) I suggest bringing your own snacks, that way you can avoid the nuts and what’s better than having your fave foods along for the ride?!

5: Take Airborne!

You never know what kind of bacteria and illness you will be exposed too on a long flight, so its a good idea to take an Airborne before jetting setting off. There is nothing worse than getting sick on a holiday. There are a lot of people crammed onto that plane, so chances are, some is sick, so protect yourself against the germs and take some airborne.

Well guys, these are my top 5 tips for clean and healthy traveling on a long haul flight. What do you think? What are some of your favourite travel tips?

Until next time gang!



2 thoughts on “5 Things Cabin Crew Know, That You Should Too

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