Review: Instant Whites 7 Day Teeth Whitening System

Don’t we all wish we could have blinding pearly whites? Well, I have tried out quite a few teeth whitening products in my day and I thought it was about time I shared a new one with you and that is the Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System.

(If you prefer to listen than read, there is a video link below, scroll down!)


I am a big fan of this product. It is so easy to use and just hassle free. I have used this for the last 7 days and do feel like my teeth have gotten noticeably whiter. I even had someone complement how white they are! If that’s not a win, I don’t know what is!

I have used other systems before that have left me with aching teeth and little difference in shade, so I am pretty cautious of new whitening products. I went into this trial thinking I probably wouldn’t like it, or end up with sore gums, but I was wrong. Instant Whites didn’t give me sore gums or aching teeth and I saw a difference in my teeth pretty quickly.


This system can be used on literally any type of tooth (dentures, veneers, etc.) and claims to achieve up to 9 shades whiter. Now, I think you probably have to start out with pretty yellow teeth to get those results, but hey, I’ll take even 3 shades!


All you have to do is push the cotton swab down until it is full of the teeth whitening solution and then rub it on your teeth for 10-20 seconds per tooth, rinse with warm water and done! Whiter teeth! It even says you can notice a difference after the first use. I am not sure if I could, but my teeth weren’t looking too, too bad to start with.


Instant Whites did send me this product to try out, but I wouldn’t be singing its praises if I didn’t think it was worth it. I really do love this product and will be using it again in the future, for sure.

Here is my before and after shot (please excuse the poor quality of the before)! I didn’t get a massive difference, but it is still definitely noticeable!


If you are up for a teeth whitening challenge, you can pick these up in Boots or online here for £30.

Let me know what your teeth whitening go-to is in the comments below!

Until next time gang,






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